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Taeniopygia guttata

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Taeniopygia guttata castanotis

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Takifugu niphobles

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Talpa europaea

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Talpa occidentalis

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Tarentola mauritanica

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Taricha granulosa

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Tarsius bancanus

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tarso-metatarsal joints

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Материалы 10-й Всесоюзной орнитологической конференции,г.Витебск, 17-20 сент.1991г.:В 2-х ч. // . - Ч.2 1 . - 7.М.Б.Аманова,Е.М.Фогель.Сравнительно-морфологические особенности пищеварительного тракта некоторых врановых.8.Л.Н.Воронов.Сравнительный анализ структуры и функции высших центров конечного мозга птиц.9.В.М.Гаврилов.Биоэнергетические ограничения развития строгой растительноядности в классе птиц.10.Т.Б.Голубева.Волосковые клетки слухового эпителия птиц:типы, онтогенез, регенерация.11.З.А.Зорина.Исследования по высшей нервной деятельности птиц.6.В.В.Иваницкий.Сравнительный анализ вокализации воробьев: Структура, функции, эволюция.


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Teleogryllus oceanicus

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Teleogryllus taiwanemma

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Terebratulina refusa

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Terrapene carolina bauri

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Testudo hermanni

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Testudo horsfieldi

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Tetrahymena empidokyrea

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Tetrahymena pyriformis

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Tetraodon nigroviridis

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Tetraserialis tscherbakovi

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Tetrix subulata

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Thamnophis sirtalis

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Tribolium flour

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Tribolium freemani

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Tribolium madens

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Tribonema aequale

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tribosphenic Mammalia

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Trichinella spiralis

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Trichoderma harzianum

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Trichogramma principium

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Tricholoma matsutake

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trichome number

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Trichomitus batrachorum

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Trichomitus trypanoides

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trichomonas tenax

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Trichomonas vaginalis

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Trichomys apereoides

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Trichonympha agilis

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Trichosurus vulpecula

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Tridacna maxima

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Trienophorus nodulosus

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Trientalis europeae

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Trifolium hirtum

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Trifolium repens

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Trifolium sativum

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Trifolium stoloniferum

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Triforlium pratense

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trigeminal nerve

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Trigonoscelis gigas

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Trillium grandiflorum

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Trimeresurus flavoviridis

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Trimmatom nanus

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Trimorphomyces papilionaceus

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triplet code

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Tripsacum dactyloides

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triterpene glycosides

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Triticum aestivum

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Triticum araraticum

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Triticum complex

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Triticum kotschyi

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Triticum peregrinum

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Triticum tauschii

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Triticun evolution

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Triturus carnifex

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Triturus cristatus

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Triturus marmoratus

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Triturus montandoni

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Triturus vulgaris

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Trochilus polytmus

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Troglodytes aedon

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Tropisternus columbianus

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Tropisternus mixtus

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Tryngites subruficollis

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Tumor evolution

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Tyto alba

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